Get Alerts

All University email addresses are auto-enrolled into the UConnAlert system. Explore below to see how you can customize how you receive your alerts.


Information from the Student Administration System is auto-enrolled into UConnALERT. Please ensure your personal information is up-to- date. All University email addresses are auto-enrolled into the UConnAlert system. Therefore, your email address will receive alerts when activated. Students are automatically enrolled in UConnALERT. Students’ email addresses and phone numbers are pulled from the Student Administration System. Each semester, students must update their emergency contact information prior to registering for classes. If you would like to update your information, go to Student Admin and sign in with your NetID and password. Scroll down and find the “Personal Information” section. While strongly discouraged, you may opt out of getting UConnALERTs if you choose. If you would like to see an example of how to sign up, visit

Go to Student Admin.

Staff and Faculty

All official UConn email addresses are auto-enrolled into the system. UConn Staff/Faculty must enroll additional information to receive alerts. Register for UConnALERT today.

Go to the Faculty and Staff Registration Page


Family members, community members, business owners, and those not affiliated with UConn’s daily operations but still operate on or near a UConn campus can download the myUCONN app to receive alerts during emergencies. No registration is required – just download the app and ensure your push notifications are on.

In addition, if you believe an emergency, severe weather, or any other event may be impacting a UConn community, we encourage you to visit the home page of where all notifications live.